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Xpres Super Flex®

Product Code: X3016
Super Flex® produces a very smooth matt finish. Suitable for fine detailed logos and multi colour transfer layering (excluding metallics). Can be washed up to 80°C, (multi layered transfers can only be washed up to 40°C inside out). Tumble dried and dry cleaned. For application to cotton, polyester and poly/cotton. 50cm wide rolls. Sold in 1m, 5m or 20m rolls.*

Please note the sizes listed below are approximate sizes. Different materials may fit slightly differently.

*Black, white, navy, royal blue, vivid blue, sky blue, purple, dark green, light green, fluorescent green, silver, grey, red, fuchsia, orange, fluorescent orange, fluorescent pink, fluorescent yellow, gold, golden yellow and yellow not available in 1m rol